NASA will submit South-American monkeys to radiation
posted in 28 Dec 2009


Getting back to its experiments of the past, when a lot of chimpanzees and other primates were killed for nothing, NASA has just announced that will submitt a group of 18 to 28 monkeys of the species Saimiri, originated from South America, to the effects of long radiation in space.

Through this, they intend to study the effects of radiation in the bodies of these unhappy beings, aiming to apply the knowledge achieved for the future astronauts in long space trips.

These radiations cause serious damages, like cancer and other fatal diseases, and the monkeys will be then have their health status monitores for months, suffering all the types of invasive tests.

GAP Project and OIPA – Animal Protection International Organization protest against NASA taking back lethal experimentations with primates and ask for everyone who agrees with it speak out against NASA and North-American authorities.

The original letter by OIPA, in english, that can be used as a protest letter, can be seen in the website .