Mountain gorillas are in danger
posted in 02 Apr 2014

Virunga National Park is one of the last areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo protected of the ambition of timber, oil, mining and expansion of palm oil production. At the park, a group of Mountain Gorillas still survives, surrounded by enemies and deforestation which are only a few miles of them.

Now, the end may be coming for those exceptional beings, as the Congolese government wants to open oil drilling for that area, which will end with the last protected park in that tormented country.

WWF and other environmental organizations are making an appeal to generate a mobilization, especially in the United States, in order to prevent the demand for oil to be extend to Virunga National Park.  WWF website published a letter to the Secretary of the U.S. State , John Kerry, who claims to have a great influence with the Government of Congo to the Virunga National Park remains protected . Sign the petition here.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President , GAP Project International