More 18 chimpanzees are retired
posted in 14 Mar 2014

Last month, 18 chimpanzees from the center of medical torture – New Iberia Research Center (NIRC ) – arrived at Chimp Haven Sanctuary. From the 110 who are planned to go to the Sanctuary, 68 already enjoy a life free of torture.

Through a work of the Organization NEAVS, it was possible to manage that NIH – National Institute of Health – who owned these chimpanzees and supported their torture all these years – sent them to Chimp Haven Sanctuary and not to other similar centers.  NEAVS also got a donation of $ 100,000 to Chimp Haven to build the necessary facilities. Another donor, Bob Baker, completed what was missing.

Dr. Theodora Capaldo, President of NEAVS , thanked everyone who helped with these redemptions , which will allow 100 chimpanzees to enjoy the last years of their existence in a free and decent place, free of the torture they were submitted for years .

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President , GAP Project International