Monti smiles again
posted in 21 Aug 2014

Two months ago, Alejandra Juarez, from GAP Argentina, and Vania Ynterian, from GAP Brazil, visited Monti for the first time. His reaction was fantastic, demonstrating that he is a chimp that can be perfectly restored into a sanctuary with his peers. They were more than an hour with him, took blankets and some goodies, things he had already forgotten.

The organization AFADA, from Argentina,  filed a Habeas Corpus to get him out of the Zoo of Santiago del Estero, which is technically closed, and the process is in the hands of Judge Alarcon Dario, who this time received a visit from Alejandra, who gave him the book  “Advocates for equality”, by Pedro Pozas Terrados, from GAP Spain. In September, Pozas will be visiting this brother country to lecture on the need to recognize the legal personality of great apes and their basic rights.

After the visit to the Judge, Alejandra, her daughter, Malen, and Lourdes, from her Sanctuary of monkeys caraya, in Córdoba, visited Monti again. He recognized her instantly and offered her and her companions affection, and received many gifts that Alejandra took in order to make more pleasant the next days of the oldest chimp who is a prisoner in the same place in the world. Meanwhile, the case of his transference to GAP Sanctuary in Brazil is in course.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International

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Videos and photos of this exciting reunion:

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