Monti: a new death foretold
posted in 05 Feb 2015

Alejandra Juarez was leaving her Sanctuary in Cordoba to Santiago del Estero. News came hours before from GAP Project members who were observing chimpanzee Monti and they were worrying. The backhoes destroyed the Zoo around him, the animals were being removed. Monti, a 45-year-old chimpanzee, in his cramped prison of cement and iron, panicked. He took refuge in the darkest cubicle of his prison and in four days did not touch the food.

He did not understand what was happening; the animals who accompanied him for years were already gone. And the noisy machines converted the surroundings of the single dwelling of his life in a pile of rubble and scrap.

At that time, the terror took hold of him, since he thought that he would also disappear before the destructive fury of humans. His friends who visited him weeks ago had not appeared anymore – Alejandra and Vanya. After years of abandonment and loneliness, they presented him with gifts, love and hope to get him out of that place.

A selfish city, a judge with no personality and accommodated, who did not want to assume the defense of the innocent and fragile being, rejected his release and had agreed to build around that enclosure a pastry shop so the public could have some fun; Monti – the oldest chimp in the world in the same cage – would be the main attraction!

Monti chose his way, refugee in the dark of his room, where no one had access, and starved to death to protest the betrayal that city did to him, which he was forced to “decorate”.

Judge Dario Alarcon promised the release of Monti, has asked to visit the Sanctuary in Brazil, to know where Monti would live in peace for the last years of his life, but when he was lightly pressed by the enemies of Animal Rights, he abandoned the cause and handed Monti to his own luck, which could not be anything different: his DEATH.

Monti, a chimpanzee who, after all, did not hold hatred in his soul tormented by captivity and solitude, is one more martyr against arrogance and human vanity. How many more will have to DIE for their recognition as PERSONS and NOT OBJECTS  in human societies?

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International