Monkeys free from radiation
posted in 15 Dec 2010


NGO PETA, celebrities like Paul McCartney, Bob Barker, Alicia Silverstone, members of North-American Congress and even a North-American astronaut pressured NASA – apart from 100 thousand letters, telephone calls and e-mails – and made it change its plans and call off an absurd experiment: to submit dozens of monkeys to radiation, in order to evaluate the reactions of their innocent bodies.

This was a Christmas present to all those beings, who live in cages at Brookhaven National Space Laboratory and would ne submitted to radiation. Then they would be kept under observation for years, so they could measure the reactions of their bodies. In XXI century, this would be a barbarity and insanity. But due to the mobilization of environmental organizations, now it was cancelled.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International

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