Milan Starostik: They will miss you
posted in 19 Jul 2016

When, just over 6 months ago, I was writing the article “A tribute of chimpanzees,” I never thought that so soon I would have to speak again of that great man, who were among the few people in the world who knew how to love and fight for the great apes in much of his life.

Milan left us on the night of the 15th to the 16th of July, at his home in São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, surrounded by 25 great apes and dozens of other animals, whom he saved from a certain and premature death.

Due to the delicate sensibilities that chimpanzees have, we are sure they knew the in the house a few meters from them, a dramatic struggle for life was extinguished, and his father and guard was not with them anymore in this cruel and senseless world, that annihilates all living beings around us.

As a reminder of this sad moment in the Global Struggle for Survival of the Great Apes, we reproduce the article in honor of a being who should be an example for all of us.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

General Secretary, GAP Project International