Mário Carmo is named as the representative of GAP Project in Angola and Portugal
posted in 14 May 2013

From Angola Newspaper on line (May 11th, 2013)

Angolan Mário Carmo was named last Tuesday as the representative of GAP Project International in Angola and Portugal, to control, inspect and promote messages of international interest on species preservation and environment conservation.

GAP is an international movement that aims to defend the rights of the non-human great primates, in order to guarantee their main rights are: the right to life, the protection of individual liberty and the prohibition of torture.

A note signed by GAP President, Pedro Alejandro Ynterian, affirms that Mário Carmo is going to have great responsibility in develop in Angola and Portugal actions about the serious situation face by great apes and about the importance of the preservation of these “so special beings, who are our closest relatives”.

Natural of Luanda, Mário Carmo, president of APFA – Angolan Fauna Protection Association, is the author of the book “I am Chimba”, which describes the story of the rescue of male chimpanzee Bongo, who lives at Sorocaba GAP sanctuary in Brazil today, and female bonobo Chimba, who is at a German zoo. A worldwide campaign to transfer Chimba to Brazil so she can live together with Bongo is about to be launched.

The book  “I am Chimba II”, launched on April in Lisbon, is going to be released in Luanda in July.

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