Last two chimpanzees are transferred
posted in 07 Apr 2010


Last December five chimpanzees and two monkeys were found abandoned in a sanctuary located at Suena, at Congo Democratic Republic (CDR). The sanctuary had been founded in 2005 by South-African couple Pieter e Sumarita Boshoff, who are missing.

The three baby chimpanzees were transferred on March to Jack Sanctuary, in the south of CDR, and the monkeys had already been transferred in January to Lwiro Sanctuary. It was only missing the two oldest chimpanzees, a male called Suena and a female called Poplap (photo).

The two chimpanzees were taken by car and boat to Lwiro Sanctuary. After a period of quarantine, they will get together with other 42 chimpanzees who live there. In the boat, male Suena started to destroy the transport cage and veterinarian Dr. Eddy Kambale Syaluha, from Mountain Gorillas Project, who were accompanying them, had to sedate him to control the situation.

According to Dr. Carmen Vidal, director of the sanctuary, “both chimpanzees are recovering from the trip and the female has been behaving very well. The male is still a little bit scared.”

Lwiro Sanctuary was founded in 2002 in an area that before were occupied by a Belgium research base, near national park Kahuzi-Biega. It hosts 50 monkeys, apart from the 42 chimpanzees.

PASA executive director, Doug Cress, declared: “it was a relief to know that Suena trasnfer was concluded.” And added: “The chimpanzees and the monkeys should not had been suffered what they faced (no water and food for days). They are alive due to the dedication and compassion of the organizations and people involved in the rescue.”

Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International