International Day against Monoculture Trees Plantation
posted in 16 Sep 2009

September 21 (Tree Day)

GAP Project Spain (PGS) launched a world communication alerting humanity about the danger of monoculture trees plantations, which replace forests, native woods and even the crops of small producers who depend on them for their survival.

Big international companies, with the support of international entities as FAO, United Nations Woodlands Forum, consultancy companies and even private and public banks, promote the massive development of this monoculture, with species like eucalyptus, pine, palm and others used for the production of cellulose, biofuel, oil etc. And this is converted in huge profit generators for those who commit this environmental crime.

This activity, which gains the label of “certificated and sustainable growth”, is supported by certification organisms as FSC, PEFC, SFI and RSPO. They approve the activity that is destroying our forests and is replacing them with large green crops, which consists of a death threat to the soil that receives them.

The invasion of wood areas by extensive crops of sugarcane, wheat, corn and soy is the strongest villain for the climate changes and for the destruction of the habitat of thousand of fauna and flora species of the planet.

GAP Project calls all the organizations and people for them to get together in this fight. We should debunk definitely all those companies that are using the economical argument to destroy Nature and its resources. We should not deceive ourselves. Let’s do a reflection on September 21. Every time an activity like that gets into the forests, years of existence of living beings of our world are being subtracted.

The complete communication by PGS can be read in the link
Día internacional contra los monocultivos de árboles