Ingratitude of a North American University
posted in 16 Sep 2015
Rescued chimp now in the safety of sanctuary

At Emory University, there is Yerkes Primate Center, which, for more than 50 years, tortures chimpanzees in medical experiments, according to private pharmaceutical interests.

Primatologist Frans de Waal, who enriched and made himself known in the scientific world with his books on chimpanzees and bonobos, with fanciful unproven theories, managed, for years, a group of chimpanzees, who are no longer being used in medical experiments and refused to send them to sanctuaries, so they could enjoy a decent life in the last years of their miserable lives in that pseudo-scientific center.

Now that the US government has recognized that captive North American chimpanzees are endangered and must be protected, Emory University wants to eliminate the remaining 8 of the dozens that there lived and died by sending them out of the North American borders, to a Zoo in England that will continue the exploring.

NEAVS Organization, which has intervened in the past for these chimps to be relocated in a sanctuary, denounced the action of Emory University, which shames the world scientific community, to discard those unhappy in a foreign Zoo, which is not protected by new standards in the United States that prevent the continuation of medical torture.

Here we reproduce the suggestion of NEAVS to write to the President of Emory University, James W. Wagner – – asking him to avoid the transfer of the 8 remaining chimpanzees of Yerkes to an English zoo.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International

  • CONTACT Emory University President James W. Wagner, PhD, at 404.727.6013 or – POLITELYdemand that he do everything within his authority to stop the transfer of the 8 chimpanzees from Yerkes to an unaccredited UK wildlife park.
  • TELL President Wagner that U.S. captive chimpanzees, now “endangered” under the ESA, are entitled to the highest level of protection. Donating chimpanzees overseas is unfitting of a University that holds itself to the highest standards of educational and ethical standards.
  • REMIND President Wagner that if Emory assures that Yerkes reverses its decision, it will set a precedence for the ethically responsible management of retired chimpanzees.  Doing sopositions Emory as a leader in today’s climate of needing to retire chimpanzees from U.S. laboratories.