I am a thief!
posted in 11 Mar 2010

To President Lula

Do not be afraid. Chimpanzees, great primates and GAP do not have anything to do with that. This is related to my Cuban past. I am a former politic prisoner, who, according to our President, can be compared to the thieves that crowd the jails of São Paulo state, and would not have the right to protest, or do a hunger strike, like Cuban laborer Orlando Zapata, who died after 85 days of this kind of protest.

On 1961 I was 20 years old. Since I was 16 I fought against dictator Batista and years after that I had to fight against the dictatorship of the Castro brothers, who are good friends of our President. At Cabana jail, managed by Che Guevara, I spent several weeks. I witnessed the death of my students’ partners, kids even younger than me. I also witnessed the death com Commandant Humberto Sori Marin, who wrote the first law on Agriculture Reform when was fighting at Serra Maestra, together with the Castro brothers, and then fought against their dictatorship. Everyone who was shot at Cabana walls did not have a trial, a defense lawyer and could not speak up their truth. This story was repeated hundreds of times. One day the terrible and scared story of Castro Cuba will be revealed.

I used to be General Secretary of Cuba Catholic Students Federation, which jointed three universities and several schools. All of them were closed by the dictator’s regime and private education is not a reality since then.

For the Castro point of view, giving an opinion that disagrees with the system is enough to be condemned. If I was in Cuba, the publishing of this letter would take me to prison for a lot of years. For that Orlando Zapata died, wishing to opine and talk about his truth. In Cuba this is a privilege of Castro brothers and those who live submitted to them.

I had made the promise of never talking about Cuban politics in this site, as long as the great primates and environmental causes can not be political and need to be supported by everyone. But I would be betraying myself, my partners who failed in 50 years of fight and my “adoptive country” – Brazil – if I did not talk about what I am feeling at this moment, for being humiliated by the President of my country, who condemned me without knowing my history, without judging me and giving me no right of answer – just like the Castro brothers – murderers – do with their people.

Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International