posted in 26 Nov 2008

How far it goes the reasoning capacity of a chimpanzeeω And of an orangutanω Of a gorillaω In captivity it is easy to observe dissimulation behaviors and even the planning of attitudes by the chimpanzees, which go against the arguments given back by anthropologists who insist on considering them as simple animals. However, the reality is another one: more than animals, we, the great primates, are intelligent beings, sensitive and owners of an extreme intelligence and wisdom.


Talking to the Spanish photographer Aisha Bonet, who is going to be the representative of GAP Project in Africa, the vision of this intelligence, restrict before to the Homo sapiens, had expanded even more. It can be redundant always talk about the same subject, but the similarity between us and the great primates is beyond the genetic code. With the experience in African forests and her coexistence with orangutans in Asia, Aisha told us surprisingly facts. Living in a critical status and threatened of extinction, which is evident, the orangutans show themselves as equally intelligent beings. In one of her stories, she told us that the orangutans use a boat to cross a river that leads them to an island full of fruits. These great primates enter the boat, release the rope that fix the boat to the bank and, using their hands, row towards the island, where they enjoy the abundance of the food. Satisfied, they get to the boat again and return, anchoring and tying it back on the bank.

In other case, a female orangutan, in wild life, reached out her hand towards her asking for food. Another distinctive fact told by Aisha was the sad scene of the look of a female dressed with clothes and tied in a whorehouse, serving men as a prostitute. With the gorillas it was not different. At the same time she witnessed happy moments of seeing them in wild life, living in family groups, she was able to see hands and heads of these primates being sold as simple objects for decoration, which shows human savagery and cruelty.


In Brazil the major problem is with chimpanzees, because some still suffer and are submitted to commercial exploitation, in circus or zoos. And, as a world project to the defense of great primates, GAP is aware of the need of a great attention and dedication to them, as long as the extinction risk is imminent.


Chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas or orangutans, our closest relatives need us. The salvation of our brothers is on our hands. Scientific facts and proof are published every day and it is impossible to deny them. Then, what are we waiting forω Your help can make the difference. In the next voting, it is essential that everyone participates. Visit www.primatologia.org.br and sign the petition.


Msc. Luiz Fernando Leal Padulla
