Historical Agreement: Circus Portugal agrees not to have animals
posted in 01 Jul 2010

Salvador, Brazil: In a Conduct Adjustment Commitment signed between Circus Portugal, Bahia Public Ministry and NGOs Célula Mãe and Terra Verde Viva, the circus made it official the abolition of the use of animals in its shows all over the country


The legal proceeding signed by Dr. Heron Santana (who also signed the Habeas Corpus proceeding of chimpanzee Jimmy, from Niterói zoo) led to the apprehension of the animals of the circus last June 12 and then converted in a historical agreement in favor of the fight against circuses without animals. The agreement will allow the animals to be taken to a farm in Minas Gerais state, where they are not going to be exploited anymore, nor sold to other circuses. The animals that were exploited for years will have their retirement guaranteed due to this pioneer agreement, which can be used as a reference to similar cases.

GAP Project, through Dr. Selma Mandruca, gave support to the institution involved in the agreement and shares the efforts with everyone who fought strongly until the goal was reached.

Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International

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