Help save Doguy’s eye
posted in 16 Oct 2018

From PASA – Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance

Doguy’s eyes were bitten by fire ants, leaving him with excruciating infections. After extensive treatment, his left eye recovered but his right eye became inflamed and even more painful. It clearly needed to be extracted. Your overwhelming generosity made it possible to bring together a medical team last year and give Doguy the eye removal surgery he desperately needed.

I’m happy to tell you that Doguy recovered and was able to rejoin his chimpanzee family in their forest enclosure at JACK Sanctuary, a PASA member wildlife center in D.R. Congo. Even though it has been a challenge, he’s gotten better at using his remaining eye.

But friends, we just received word that Doguy’s remaining eye developed two new infections and a cataract. Although JACK’s veterinary staff have been able to help him recover from the infections, the cataract will require surgery if Doguy’s sight is going to be saved.

Every day Doguy’s condition worsens and he loses more of his ability to see. Life would be incredibly hard for him if he lost his sight completely. Unable to climb trees or walk in the forest, he wouldn’t be able to keep up with his chimp family and would spend much of his time alone.

Cataracts must be treated by a specialist eye surgeon. Unfortunately, none of the doctors in the region are able to treat Doguy. The situation is dire.

A Vision for Doguy’s Future

PASA found a surgeon who can travel to JACK to treat Doguy and save his sight. But, this will only be possible with your support (video). Doguy urgently needs your help. With you as our partner, we can give him a bright future.

  • Donate just $20 to purchase Doguy’s post-operative medications that are needed to prevent infection.
  • Give $50 to provide necessary surgical supplies that will restore Doguy’s sight.
  • For $100, help JACK rent an operating room to conduct the sterile surgery.

Doguy has survived overwhelming odds and clings to hope for a better tomorrow. Your support will make all the difference in his world.

Read more and donate here