Happy 50th Birthday Popi!
posted in 23 Apr 2021

From Center for Great Apes (CGA)

Popi, the second oldest pure Bornean orangutan in North America, turns 50 years old Friday, April 23rd.

This distinguished elder has seen and been through a lot in her life. Popi was born in a biomedical lab then sold to a trainer who worked her in movies, television, and live nightclub acts in Las Vegas for more than 20 years. She was the first orangutan to be the subject of an animal welfare lawsuit in the 1990s because of her treatment in Las Vegas, and she had at least one infant in Hollywood who was taken from her.

Popi has lived at the Center for Great Apes in sanctuary care for the past nine years. She now has peaceful days doing what she chooses to do: strolling through the woods in the aerial trailways; napping in her afternoon nest; snacking on fruit; playing with enrichment puzzles and bubble baths; and having visits with her orangutan friends.

More information at https://centerforgreatapes.org