The Judge of Control No. 4 , Dr. Cornejo , who had initially denied the Habeas Corpus in favor of chimpanzee Toti , now accepted that the appeal move forward to a court where the debate will be intense. He could have denied the appeal and not send it to the Court , but this attitude shows that he was heartened by the debate generated by the case of chimpanzee Toti in Argentina .
His mental state is deteriorating rapidly and we expect him to withstand until he is released from his prison.
At the same time, another Habeas Corpus will be judged by a Federal Judge in the city of Corrientes , filed by AFADA ( Association of Lawyers for the Defense of Animals ) .
The Justice in Argentina is challenged to a pronouncement that could make history in the world : that the great apes are persons, are subjects, and not objects , and have basic rights to be respected .
Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President , GAP Project International