posted in 04 Feb 2009
Guidage, 18 year old female chimpanzee, lived for years in a metallic cage in a car repair office in Bombarral, Portugal. Her partner died in the same cage some months ago and she was very lonely. Mario Carmo (author of the book "I am Chimba" and director of an NGO in Portugal and Angola of defense of great primates – APFA) sent Bongo to us in 2005 and tried, last year, that this chimpanzee would come to Brazil. But at that time Ibama did not authorize her entrance in the country.

A few weeks ago other NGOs contacted us to know if we would accept to receive Guidage, for which our answer was positive, although this process would depend on Brazilian Government. But at the same time a Dutch organization – AAP, which owns a sanctuary in Netherlands, decided to get her to integrate with their groups of chimpanzees.

Fernando, the owner of the car repair Office, who used to be her keeper, gave her his last hug and she hug him back.

Guidage could have died if he had not maintained her alive for all these years.