Gorilla J.J. in the wrong place
posted in 03 Feb 2011

This extraordinary being named J.J., according to Miami Zoo, lives with others of his species in a 200 square meters area. He is exhibited to the public for more than eight hours a day, week after week, month after month, for years.

We visited him one year ago and at the majority of the time he gave his back to the humans. It was his way to protest, for being a prisoner with no crime and is exhibited against his will, for the pleasure of his catchers.

If we measure the real area that great primates and great mammals use to be kept in any zoo of the world we will see that they are not as big as it is said, because there are big areas that are protection zones, landscaping etc, for decorate the environment aiming the entertainment of the visitors.

Is it fair, ethical, moral and legal that so extraordinary being like this gorilla, species threatened to extinction, lives in a zoo for human entertainment, when he should have been located in a Sanctuary where he could live with his equals, not a prisoner in exhibition.

I can not believe that anyone who sees this photo would disagree with us. It is time to put an end in the exhibition of great primates in zoos!

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International