German zoo is dennounced again
posted in 09 Oct 2013

GAP Project Spain are reporting back German Schwaben Park Zoo, located in the woods Welzheimer, 45 minutes northeast of Stuttgart, which abuses of 44 chimpanzees according to a well-documented denunciation of the organization Animal Equality, in Germany.

At first , the Zoo , which uses chimpanzees in a circus show, accepted to transfer the primates and stop exhibiting them. In negotiation with GAP Project International, which offered to receive a group in its affiliated sanctuaries in Brazil , they began to establish conditions to perform the transfer , as if they treated well the primates .

GAP Project put as a condition to go there to inspect the situation and decide what was possible to be done, and how the chimpanzees could be transferred and where to .

The German Environment Ministry has so far not made ​​a definitive pronouncement, nor made ​​a decision on disabling that Zoo or the prohibition of that humiliating show with chimpanzees .

The statement of Proyecto Gran Simio (GAP Spain,) about the mistreatment committed against these chimpanzees documented by Animal Equality shows chimpanzees practicing coprophagia , self – mutilation , repetitive movements – all product of stress , etc. .

The director of GAP Spain , Pedro Pozas Terrados , made ​​an appeal : ” The Spanish primatologists Spanish, as well as the ones on Max Planck Institute,  in Germany, who perform a lot of study on the cognitive abilities of great apes , need to be involved in this fight and not allow these circus shows with chimpanzees . ” And he adds : ” Not only should they conduct studies of behavior in the wild or in captivity , but they must beyond, must protect them and defend their fundamental rights . ”

Finally , Pedro Pozas asks: ” If we do not protect the captive great apes and those who are free in the wild , what are the studies of primatologists and scientists for? For massaging their ego ? One could not exist without the othert , so it is needed to make a common front to prevent this barbarism to continue. ”

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President , GAP Project International