GAP Project Spain participates of debates
posted in 07 Apr 2011


Next April 28, Executive Director of GAP Spain, Pedro Pozas Terrados, will participate at Paris International University of a series of conferences and debates about the future of the fight for the rights of great primates and the protection of their habitat. The representative of Jane Goodall Institute in France, Jaroen Haijtink, will also participate due to GAP project management.
Continuing the events schedule for this month, Pedro Pozas Terrados will present lectures on April 11 and 12 to students of Public School Antonio Osuna, at Três Cantos location, in Madrid.

The youngsters are important partners of GAP Project Spain to reinforce the fight for the rights of great primates and force Spanish Government to fulfill the recommendation emitted by Spain Congress of support to the work for the rights of great simians in the country and in the world.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International