GAP Project Spain asks for the ban of Ringling Circus in the country
posted in 11 Aug 2009


Circus Ringling Bros is one of the most known circuses with animals in the world. Recently, activists from NGO PETA showed to worldwide television images achieved with hide cameras of how the keepers beat the elephants before the performances.

Circus Ringling Bros from USA planned a trip to Spain to November, to visit the capital Madrid and other Spanish cities. GAP Project Spain has been asking the federal authorities to ban the entrance of the circus in the country, due the several denounces that have already been made at North America related to mistreat to animals.

GAP Project supports the information promoted by the animal defense alliance Inforcircos, which has been denouncing Circus Ringling for the death of more than 25 elephants that are property of the circus for the last 15 years.

Director of GAP Project Spain, Pedro Pozas Terrados, did an alert to all the regions of the country for them not to grant permission for this circus, which are under law suits in its country of origin and is going to Spain to run away of  North-American Justice and to continue to exploit a great quantity of animals used in its shows.

Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International