GAP Project participates of III World Conference on Bioethics and Animal Rights
posted in 15 Aug 2012

Recife, one of the main cities in Brazil, will become the world capital of animal rights between 22 and 25 August 2012. It will be held at Federal University of Pernambuco the III World Conference on Biotethics and Animal Rights, sponsored by the Abolitionist Institute in partnership with UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco) and with UFBA (Federal University of Bahia). This year’s conference theme is “Developing Ethical and eradicating hunger.”
The conference program includes the participation of big names in the field of animal rights in Brazil and in the world. Minister Antonio Herman Benjamin, from Justice Supreme Court of Brazil, will make a video conference about the protection of animals in the higher courts, and international reference names like David Favre, Steven Wise and David Cassuto will talk about new trends in the animal rights world. GAP Project will be represented at the event by Dr. Selma Mandruca, president of GAP Brazil, who will attend the table “Criminal Prosecution and Crimes Against Animals”.

See more details about the event (in Portuguese):