GAP International supports the fight in Argentina
posted in 22 Apr 2014

On April 23, Vania Maria Ynterian, member of GAP Sanctuary of Great Apes in Brazil , who helped found the first sanctuary of Great Apes in the country and the representation of GAP Project on it, arrives in Argentina.

One of the missions of Vania, who has 15 years of experience in the care of chimpanzees in Brazil, is to visit all Argentines zoos that have problems in the care and treatment of great apes,  including the most emblematic case in this country , which has mobilized crowds on the streets : Toti’s case.

Besides visiting Toti in Río Negro , Vania must travel accompanied by Alejandra Juarez , representative of GAP Project in Argentina and great fighter for the rights of primates, to the zoo of La Plata , Mendoza Zoo and Zoo of Cordoba .

She will meet with the various activist groups created in different Argentine cities, to support  the transference of Toti  to a sanctuary in Brazil, as well as the end to the mistreatment of the other chimpanzees in other zoos .

In support of the struggle that GAP Argentina performs, next May 18 the country will also receive the visit of executive director of GAP / PGS in Spain, Pedro Pozas Terrados , who will present the book that tells the story of nearly 20 years of fight – ” Advocates for equality ,” recently released in Spain . Pedro Pozas , an expert in the struggle for the rights of great apes in the world , will participate of conversations and conferences in various cities , as well as will visit chimpanzees who need assistance in various Argentine zoos.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International

Images of Vania Ynterian, Pedro Pozas and his book cover

Vania con chimpance (2) Vania con chimpance (1) PEDRO POZAS 9 PEDRO POZAS 6 PEDRO POZAS 4