GAP has a new representative in the UK
posted in 14 Sep 2017

Great Ape Project – GAP is an international movement created in 1994 whose purpose is to spread information on the basic rights to life, freedom and non-torture of the non-human great apes – Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Orangutans and Bonobos. For that, the project created the World Declaration on Great Primates, document that aims to turn these rights official, and its representatives develop a lot of activities focused in this goal.

Today GAP International has independent representation in the Americas (Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay), Africa (Ivory Coast), Asia (Japan) and Europe (Germany and Spain) and in since the end of July 2017 the movement is proud to present its ninth chapter: GAP United Kingdom, represented byThe Wales Ape & Monkey Sanctuary (WAMS).

Australian philosopher and animal ethics professor Peter Singer, one of the founders of GAP Project, highlighted the new join: “I’m writing to welcome you to GAP and wish you well for all you are doing for animals, and will be doing, I hope even more successfully, in future.”

WAMS had already made a successful partnership with GAP Germany in the end of 2015, when two chimpanzees from Delbrück Zoo were transferred to the sanctuary. Also, WAMS has all the necessary licenses to import primates from abroad to the United Kingdom and to keep them permanently, pursuing a strict no-way-back-to-a-zoo philosophy and in full compliance with the principles of the GAP.

Get to know more about WAMS/GAP UK at the websites and and make sure to like its Facebook page – to follow all the news.