GAP BRAZIL: Another successful procedure
posted in 13 Mar 2017

 Esq.: Dr. Juliana Kihara. Dir.: Dr. Camila Gentile

On February 17, another successful procedure was carried out by a multidisciplinary team at the Sorocaba Maintainer (Sorocaba Great Primates Sanctuary, affiliated with the GAP Project). The team formed by Prof. Dr. Antônio Carlos Costa, Orthopedic Specialist in Microsurgery and Hand Surgery, Head of the Hand Group of São Paulo Sta. Casa and Physician of the Clinical Body of the Sirio-Libanes Hospital, by Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Cavalli Polesello, Orthopedic Specialist in Hip, Head of the Hip Group of São Paulo Sta. Casa and Clinical Physician of the Sirio-Libanes Hospital, in addition to the veterinarians of the Maintainer, Dr. Camila Gentile and Dr. Juliana Kihara, managed to remove a tumor that had appeared in one of the hands of the chimpanzee Nino, who lives in the Maintainer of Vargem Grande Paulista, also affiliated with GAP.

Nino is a 36-year-old chimpanzee who worked in a circus and has lived in Vargem Grande Paulista for more than 10 years. Very sweet and docile, he did not even need to be anesthetized to be taken to Sorocaba; It was enough to explain to him that he would take a walk to take care of his wound and he promptly entered the transport box.

Weighing in at about 100 pounds, he even helped the people who unloaded the box, moving to make less weight on the side that needed to be lifted until it was placed in the enclosure where he would stay after the surgery.

The procedure was quick, took about half an hour and was a success, ridding him of the tumor that had grown and bled a lot in recent months.

His recovery is fine and faster than expected, but he already expresses his desire to return home, shouting happily and pointing to the door that he entered when he saw me when I went to visit him. But calm down, Nino, the wait will be worth it, since your house goes through renovations to welcome you back with more comfort!

Lastly, I would like to thank the entire medical team and the Sorocaba caretakers and vets for their splendid work.


Selma Mandruca

President of GAP Brazil and owner of the Maintainer of Vargem Grande Paulista