Extreme cruelty officially supported
posted in 26 Feb 2013

 A baby – rhesus monkey – is taken from his mother hours after his birth, placed isolated and subjected to all sorts of terrifying experiences, including being put in front of a giant snake. After a year of experimental fears in his life, the baby is euthanized and his brain is dissected to see the transformations suffered and to be compared with another brain of a “normal” baby rhesus, who was a year with his ??mother and was also euthanized.

The author of this terrible experience is a doctor named Ned H. Kalin, Head of the Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of Wisconsin, USA.

In the last 18 years of activity, this psychiatrist published numerous “pseudo scientific” works. In these thousands of monkeys died to study the transformations of their brains when they were subjected to extreme conditions.

During these 18 years, the National Institute of North American Health (NIH), an agency of the Government, supported by taxes from the people, put in the pocket of this psychiatrist USD 5,075,798.

NIH not only finances the creation and experimentation on chimpanzees, but also invest fortunes to keep thousands of rhesus monkeys, baboons and other species at the mercy of torturers, who call themselves “scientists” and do all that kind of experience, which do not contribute for more knowledge of us, humans.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International