Entries are now open for the 2nd Artevista – Art in defense of animals | Drawing and Painting contest, promoted by Olhar Animal, a non-profit organization, with support from MICA – Movimento Infanto-juvenil Crescendo com Arte. The main goal is to stimulate the respect towards nonhuman animal interests and the action in defense of these beings by inviting kids and teens to express artistically their sensitivity and awareness about this issue.
More information at Olhar Animal – http://olharanimal.org/entries-now-open-for-artevista-2nd-edition-hunting-is-not-cool/
GAP is an international movement whose main objective is to fight for the basic rights to life, liberty and non-torture of non-human great apes - Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Orangutans and Bonobos, our closest relatives in the animal kingdom.