Emory University: bad example
posted in 15 Oct 2015
Photo N. Megna LPAG

If the American society does not mobilize until November 16, Emory University will send six females and two males chimps into a fifth category Zoo in England.

After exploring them throughout life, now that they cannot continue torturing them, they intend to send them to an unknown destination, regardless of the reaction of the defenders of great apes and the new standards for the protection of great apes, now working in the United States.

The Emory University is giving a bad example to the world, of ingratitude and lack of sensitivity, which does not match with its academic history, ethics and morals.

The Yerkes Great Primate Center, which belongs to the University, and for more than 50 years tortured chimpanzees in useless experiments, terminated its activities, eliminating of itsrecords the last eight unfortunates who live there.

We still have time! Protest against this insane action of a North American University:



Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International