Call for Applications: “Law and Animals: Ethics at Crossroads” – Doctoral Programme at the Law School of the University of Basel, 2012-2015
“Law and animals”: Cutting-Edge Legal Research
The law school launches the doctoral programme “Law and Animals: Ethics at Crossroads”. “Law and animals” is a novel field of legal research which examines how human society deals with ani-mals and how such treatment is reflected in the law.
The programme’s starting date is September 2012, with a first cycle of studies running until 2015. The programme comprises ten doctoral student positions. Scholarships (at least in form of seed money) will most likely be available. The doctoral programme will be advertised internationally. It is addressed to jurists from all over the world who aspire to obtain a PhD degree in law, in the field of “law and animals”. The bi-lingual programme (English and German) is carried out in Basel.
The application process opens now and closes 15 June 2012 for the autumn semester 2012, late applications can be accepted for the spring semester 2013.
The evaluation of application files starts 15 June 2012.