Different Chimpanzees
posted in 11 Feb 2010


There is no doubt that theorical primatologists or from zoos would find even exoterical explanation to explain a news species of chimpanzees after reading a research article published on the latest National Geogrpahic Magazine (edition 119). Just like the creation of Frans de Waal of the “peace and love” chimpanzees, due to his fertile imagination, which resulted in fame and money for him by with the selling books.

We are no surprised, on the contrary. We consider that the pioneer and extraordinary work of these couple of researchers, Dave Morgan e Crickette Sanz, in the depth of Congolese jungle – where they were the first humans to step in – , allow us to explain a lot of things we have been observing living together with chimpanzees in captivity for the last 10 years.

Goualougo chimpanzees are original and pure primates, with no contamination of human contact: they are curious, social, not aggressive, intelligent, smart and have their own culture. When they saw the couple and their small team camped in the middle of the jungle to spend the night, they located themselves above them, in the trees, to observe closely what those strange beings would do. The next day they left the trees, continue to observe and then, one by one, left the place, in order to take care of their lives in that virgin forest where the unique 400 pigmies village is 50 km away.

We invite everyone to read the complete article in order to get to know better our jungle brothers: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2010/02/congo-chimps/foer-text

Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International