posted in 09 Oct 2008

Aiming to demonstrate to society the value of the circuses art and to show that this has nothing to do with exploitation of animals, GAP Project, ANAMI Institute, Ibama (Brazilian Institute for the Environment), World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA – Brazil) and Brasilia Zoo Foundation, with the support of Public Justice Department of Brasilia, are united to support the circus which do not use animals. Then, a marvelous show, with no animal exploitation, is going to have a one-month tour in October in a big stadium in Brasilia, and the project is called "CIRCUS WITHOUT ANIMALS ARE COOL".


The project is a partnership with Moscow Magic Circus, formed by artists of a circus family that has 160 years of tradition. This partnership is emblematic because this circus, which was known for its shows with animals, recently gave up this practice and donated its animals – one chimpanzee, one lion, one tiger, one bear and one baboon – to GAP Project, in order for them to have a fair life in a sanctuary.


The shows "CIRCUS WITHOUT ANIMALS ARE COOL" have the main goal to do environmental education, demonstrating to children and to the public in general that it is not necessary to exploit animals to have circus fun. Apart from that, there will have special and free show sessions and training courses of circuses activities to students from public schools, in a partnership with the project "A Escola é o Bicho", developed by WSPA Brazil and Nature School in Brasilia. The structure that will be built to present the show has the capacity to receive two thousand people, all seated.


Why not to use animals in circusω


The circus is one of the most ancient cultural manifestations of mankind and aims to entertain adults and children with the artists\’ abilities, who dedicated all their lives to the circus. The value of an artistic talent that makes a child to laugh nothing has to do with the scenario of wild animals kept in captivity and being treatened as an object, an attraction.


The states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraíba and about 50 cities, among them Curitiba, Florianópolis and Campo Grande, alreadu have local laws that prohibits the use of aninals in circus. Keeping animals in captivity to show them in a performance is an old practice and the idea is that its ban is officially pronounced.


The project "CIRCUS WITHOUT ANIMALS ARE COOL" comes in a very special moment in Brazil. Currently, the Federal Deputies Chamber is analyzing a bill proposal – PL 7291/2006 – that intends to turn the use of animals is circus into an illegal activity. A public audience to discuss the proposal is scheduled to November 4th and the intention is that this project helps to sensitize the public in general, politicians and law professionals that keeping animals in captivity to be used in entertainment is an old and non-humane practice.


The approval of a federal law that prohibits the use of animals in circus will put Brazil beside countries like Austria, Denmark, Finland and India, which have already laws that ban the use of animal in circuses in their territories.




Venue: Mane Garrincha Stadium, in Brasília

Date and hours: Opening in October 17th. Tour until November 8th.

Tuesdays to Fridays, one show at 8:30pm

Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, three shows per day, at 3pm, 5:30pm and 8:30pm

Tickets from R$10, with distribution of bonus coupons


Participation of the circus in the activities of October 12th, Children\’s Day, developed by WSPA\’s project "A Escola é o Bicho" at Brasilia Zoo and the city park.