Circus Le Cirque is condemned
posted in 11 May 2011


A five-year old process against Circus “Le Cirque” for the practice of mistreating of animals has definitely got into an end. This week Brazilian Superior Court condemned the circus of violation of basic rights of animals. The practice had already been condemned when Ibama (Brazilian Environmental Institute) confiscated, three years ago, all the animals of the circus when it was preparing to perform in Brasilia and sent them to protection organizations. But the circus tried to revert the apprehension in court and the decision of the highest court of the country put an end in that.


Ministry Herman Benjamim gave the following declaration to sum the case up: “There is no doubt that animals submitted to circuses routines suffer abuse and are sub judged in the name of economic interests and conveniences of those who develop the activity. The submission of animals to abnormal behavior of their species configures abuse”.


Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International