Christmas’ gift
posted in 03 Dec 2009


A few hours before Christmas, ten chimpanzees of the group known as Bobby’s group will arrive at Save the Chimps Sanctuary coming from
New Mexico State. These chimpanzees were at the old medical torture centre of Alamogordo, which had been closed after its bankruptcy and had been bought with 200 chimpanzees by the sanctuary in Florida.

After a long wait, Bobby and his group will be together with more 200 chimpanzees who already live at the sanctuary and will be able to breathe calmy, because they will never more be tortured by humans.

The group will leave New Mexico on December 16 and after crossing hundreds of miles, for the south of United States, will arrive at Florida a few days before Christmas.

From their trailer with panoramic windows, Bobby and his group will get to know a little bit of the country they already lived but never had the chance to see in the sunlight.

Help Save the Chimps Sanctuary. Enter the website and support these final trips of the chimpanzees to their definite home.

Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International