China: 400 bears are tortured
posted in 23 Feb 2011


Chinese organizations and people are promoting protests all over the country as it has never been done before. The purpose is to avoid that a company that extracts, process and sell the bile of black bears kept in captivity continue to increase this criminal operation.

The company is Guizhen Tang Pharmaceuticals, which kept today 400 bears for the extraction of their bile and intend to expand its “stock” to 1200 animals.

The company has the courage to affirm that the way it extracts the bile of the bears is a “modern and civilized method”. There is no sense at all to allow, in the XXI century, procedures of this kind, which are already condemned in the majority of the countries in the world.

Fortunately the Chinese people are reacting – like the Arabians are doing in public squares – and are forcing the closure of dozens of zoos that are, in fact, animal torture centres. Now they are asking for the ban of the operations of this fake pharmaceutical company.

Director of NGO Animals Asia, Zhang Xiaohai, declared to Reuters: “This is the first time we see so many Chineses protesting against this kind of industry.”

Using the Internet, Chinese people are defending a boycott against the products of this company, settled at Fujian province, and are fighting so that the company does not enter in the stock market to raise more money for the use in its criminal practices against defenseless animals.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International