Chimpanzees suffer from psychological traumas like humans
posted in 09 Sep 2009


Chimpanzees like Regis are languishing at North American labs. Psychologists G. A. Bradshaw, PhD., Theodora Capaldo, Ed. D., Lorin Lindner, PhD. and Gloria Grow, the last one director of Fauna Foundation, examined the historical of three chimpanzees: Billy Jo, Tom and Regis. The three of them were used in medical researches before being sent to a sanctuary.

Billy Jo lived as a human child until he was a teenager, when he was sent to a lab. In the next 14 years he lived in a small cage in a lab, suffering with several invasive medical procedures. He as taken out of there when he was 28 years old and went to a sanctuary, where he died eight years later.

Tom’s family was murdered in Africa for him to be caught when he was still a baby. For decades he lived in three different medical research labs, suffering from multiple invasive processes that include 369 dart anesthetics. Each morning Tom used to choke without control, due to the several intubations he had been put under.

Regis was born in the lab. When he was 2 years old he was already being treated of a pos-traumatic stress that causes him to pull out and eat his fingernails. Regis got terrified when was left alone. He suffered from anxiety crisis that almost caused his breath to be blocked.

The work signed by the scientists, published in September in the Journal Development Psychology (North American Psychologists Association), affirms that this severe emotional trauma is a result of confinement and invasive procedures that they are submitted to, similar to what would happen to humans.

This recent work, together with other research published on April 2008 at Trauma and Dissociation Journal – about the recovery of chimpanzees in a sanctuary after suffer from Pos-Traumatic Stress Syndrome -, proves that the one thousand chimpanzees that still remain in medical research labs in North America should be retired and their use in these types of procedures must be forbidden.

Sign the petiitons:

1) Petition for Wenka, who remains for more than 5 decades in medical torture lab at Emory University

2) Petition to the new director of NIH, Dr. Francis Collins, asking for the retirement of all chimpanzees who are property of NIH (that belongs to North American Government) and to send them to sanctuaries

Do not allow that great primates be torture in the name of a fake science.

Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International