Chimpanzees, bonobos and sapiens
posted in 14 Jun 2012

A study to be published this weekend in Nature magazine proves that the difference between chimpanzees, bonobos and sapiens (men) are practically nonexistent. Moreover, the difference between bonobos and chimpanzees can reach 0.4%, which is practically negligible.

The difference between chimpanzees, bonobos and sapiens can reach 1.3%. If we consider that between humans (sapiens) the difference can reach up to 1%, we conclude that bonobos, chimpanzees and sapiens are a unit, difficult to be differentiated. Carl von Linné was right when he classified chimpanzees as Homo troglodytes, as part of the family of Homo sapiens. The Anthropocentrism who later invaded the science took chimpanzees out of our family and posed them more as cousins, converting them into Pan troglodytes, and created the species bonobo (Pan paniscus), which, at some time in the future, it will be conclude that it was not the right thing to do.

This work to be published in Nature magazine was conducted by 20 laboratories in eight countries and was coordinated by Kay Pruefer and Svante Paabo, from Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Biology, in Germany.

In the same study it was concluded that the gorillas differ 1.75% of bonobos, chimpanzees, and sapiens, and orangutans, 3%.

The Spanish scientist Tomas Marques-Bonet, who participated of the study, commented: "Although the genomes of chimpanzees and bonobos are equally distant from humans, the bonobo sequence reveals that in some specific parts the human genome are closer to bonobos than to chimpanzees, and in other regions, the opposite happens. "

Bononbos have different characteristics from chimpanzees because, for thousands of years, they lived isolated in the south of the River Congo, an flooded area, with no other great apes. They had no interbreeding with other species and developed their own customs, which were handed down from generation to generation. But now it is proved that the need to differentiate them taxonomically is not necessary and that there are more differences between a black African and a caucasian than between bonobos and chimpanzees. The sapiens never tried to differentiate them into species or subspecies, as they have done with the beings that they have always considered inferior.

Every day it is more evident that bonobos, chimpanzees and sapiens are actually a BIG FAMILY!

Dr. Pedro Ynterian
President, GAP Project International