Chimpanzee attacks keeper in Florida
posted in 18 Feb 2010

A keeper of the fake sanctuary Suncoast Primate, near Tampa, in Florida (USA), was attacked a few days agora by a ten-year old chimpanzee when she was cleaning his cage.

This sanctuary, which allows public visitation – in the reality, it is a zoo -, uses volunteering keepers, who do not have intimacy with the primates or enough experience to deal with them.

Andréa Maturan, 21 years old, was attacked by the chimpanzee and had to fight with him, until she was able to hide in a bathroom, according to AP news. Other chimpanzee had also escaped and other keepers were able to lock them up inside a cage.

The wounds of the keeper were serious, according to local Police, but there is no risk of death.