Chimp Flown to Freedom
posted in 06 Mar 2018

Little baby chimpanzee Mussa’s rescue was breaking news this last week. He was saved by poachers who brutally killed his mother and family. His rescue was made even more miraculous when a bush pilot with Virunga National Park offered to fly him to safety at Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Center, a PASA – Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance member in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The look on Mussa’s face when he stares out the plane window – on his way to freedom – is absolutely heart-melting.

Click here to watch the inspiring video of Mussa’s amazing rescue!

Saving precious lives

Innocent chimpanzees are ripped from their dying mother’s arms, tied up, locked in cages, and kept in isolation all over Africa. Sometimes they are only weeks old when this brutality happens.

Mussa is just one of many baby chimpanzees that PASA members are rescuing from the black market. Since January, Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Centre has already rescued two other baby chimpanzees.

Chimpanzee Conservation Center, a PASA member in Guinea, has saved three infant chimpanzees in the last three months.

Right now, PASA members are working to rescue more than 10 orphaned chimpanzees from horrific situations in four countries. These rescues rely on everyone’s support. If you want to know more and help, visit PASA website and donate.