Cecilia receives visit from her saviour
posted in 02 May 2017

Last Saturday (April 29), chimpanzee Cecilia, released through a Habeas Corpus filed by the NGO AFADA (an organization of lawyers who defend animal rights in Argentina) was visited by Pablo Buompadre, author of the HC which Judge Dr. María Alejandra Mauricio fully accepted and allowed her release from a life of infamous captivity in the former Zoo of Mendoza, now transformed into Eco-Park.

In addition to the visit to his young freed, he had the chance to see the Sanctuary of Great Apes of Sorocaba, affiliated to Project GAP, and a part of the new Cecilia´s companions..

Through its historic achievement, AFADA organization paves the way for the release of many primates and other animals suffering from harmful captives in the world and signals the path for similar organizations that are struggling for animals to replicate this initiative and to gain the release of many unhappy tortured beings in zoos who live in every corner of the planet.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

Secretary General, GAP International Project

Chimpanzee Nino with Pablo at the Sanctuary of Great Apes of Vargem Grande Paulista – SP

Other images of Sorocaba Sanctuary