Case Morgan: is the end of water parks near?
posted in 02 Oct 2012

The images of the wound of whale Nakai caused outrage on the internet


Perhaps the greatest contribution that Morgan gave to the debate established worldwide for his rescue on the Dutch coast, and arbitrary and pernicious attitude of the Government of that country – without listening to the voices of hundreds of scientists, they sent the four-year-old orca to a Spanish water park, where possibly he will survive for a few years – is the decision to close the majority of water parks in dozens of countries.

A judgment on the fate of Morgan will be held on November 1, in Holland, where perhaps a wise decision will allow his return to the ocean. Anyway, due to international repercussion, among other facts, it can be mentioned the Swiss government decision to ban shows with large cetaceans in water parks and to close them.

At the same time Spanish government, which was complicit in the Netherlands by accepting Morgan in its water parks, was also questioned in a letter from Mrs Laia Ortiz Castellví. Based on the regulation of the Congress of Deputies, she sent a questionnaire to the Spanish Executive demanding answers about the attitude to allow the entry of Morgan within Spain and to authorize the operation of several water parks, where cetaceans are tortured and taken to premature death by the stress in which they live, as well as the lack of living space to move around.

The end of water parks is near. Companies in all countries have become aware that those extraordinary beings are not born to live in small tanks, to entertain a misinformed audience, which collaborates with the regime of torture and ill-treatment to which these animals are subjected to.

Recently, the organization PETA denounced a Water Park in San Diego, USA, where the orca Nakai appeared with a deep wound below his mouth and was still being used in these conditions for the aquatic show. This water park is accused of mixing cetaceans from diverse backgrounds, which creates disputes between them and this wound may be consequence of this. It’s already proved that water parks are true centers of torture, and it can not be explained why the largest country of the world still insist on keeping those parks running.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International