Camel killing
posted in 02 Sep 2009

Veja Magazine,
September 2nd 2009

Photo: Adventure at Outback: American Mike Mistelske with his prey. Sport hunting to help to reduce the number of camels

If there a biggest insanity in this world, “the free massacre” that occurs today in Australia is able to fright any sensible human being who had already experienced it.

Australia took camels from Saudi Arabia in 1840 and introduced them in its territory, with the objective of using them to transport cargo. The hundreds of camels of that time became one million and should be disposed. Professional and amateur hunters from all over the world are paid to kill 650 thousand camels and their carcass are abandoned in the desert to be food for eagles, foxes and dingos, wild Australian dogs.

Additionally, Australia also wants to shot 6 to 8 millions kangaroos, to kill 200 millions rabbits with a lethal virus created in labs, 24 millions red foxes with poison and some million more warthogs also with poison.

The lack of creativity is so serious that the unique solution found is KILL and KILL. And it does not solve the problem, which happens again every decade. And this is witnessed worldwide, with no PROTEST at all.

Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International