Caesar returns to his world
posted in 13 Feb 2015
Adaptação no recinto César e Susi2_302x200

Caesar, who is one year and two months old, is already back in his Chimpanzee World. A few days ago, we made the migration of the human world in which he was created all these months, under our care, since his mother, Samantha, did not manage to nurse him.

Caesar is the most humane of all baby chimpanzees born in the Sanctuary. After a everyday of work in the Sanctuary, he used to go home with his handler, Meire, who also lives with her family in the Sanctuary.

Caesar had a very intense experience of living with a human family. In this case, a family that also has several children and domestic animals, dogs and cats. When he sees a human or a dog or a cat, Caesar goes after them, with the greatest familiarity. The dogs with whom he lived in the house were also his guards and had much jealousy and concern for him, since his activities were becoming more audacious every day by.

During this time, Caesar was taken to see his mother every day, so she kept her interest in him; we also began to put him together, for a few hours a week, with one of his sisters, Suzi, 3 years old, and they got on very well. His other sisters, Sophie and Sarah, watched them both playing through the window, as well as their future adoptive father, Jimmy, who already takes care of the females.

The first contact with Samantha was very positive; she, thinking he was still a newborn, made a nest, laid down and wanted Caesar to lie on her belly. But Caesar was already much more evolved and all he wanted was to play, run, jump.

Anyway, Samantha, who is not very patient, learned to understand him and left him one night with her when the mesh was higher, as she led him to the outside home, where she slept with him in her arms.

Last week, we put Caeser with her again and called his older sister, Sophia, who has a close relationship with the mother, to join them.

Sofia, who had never had contact with Caesar, only from distance, loved her brother and exhausted the energies of both in dozens of games.

Caesar is a dominant male, so tiny as he  is, and when Sofia plays a little strong with him, he complains and goes up to her to bite, and Caesar’s bite is formidable.

Samantha does not have much patience or breath to endure a hyperactive baby as Caesar all the time. So, we let Caesar with Sofia to spend the energies and Samantha comes and goes with the adult group, when she asks.

In the coming days, we will incorporate their other two sisters and then the adoptive father, Jimmy, who sees with some apprehension this integration work, and sometimes calls us that we have to go slowly.

Caesar undoubtedly will be an Alpha Male as an adult, with the huge advantage of having an affinity for human life, which simplifies our life together.

Caesar returned to his world, without leaving all of ours, and there he will be one of the last symbols of this species, which is being annihilated without mercy and pity.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International

Pictures of Caser with her mother Samantha and her sisters Sofia and Suzi

César e Garfield_150x200 Billy cuidando do César_150x200 Adaptação no recinto César e Susi3_132x200 Adaptação no recinto César e Susi2_302x200 Adaptação no recinto César e Susi1_302x200 Adaptação César e Sofia3_112x200 Adaptação César e Sofia2_112x200 Adaptação César e Sofia1_320x179 Adaptação César com mãe Samantha6_302x200 Adaptação César com mãe Samantha5_302x200 Adaptação César com mãe Samantha4_302x200