Cable traps: a danger for chimpanzees
posted in 29 Dec 2009

By Serge K. Soiret, GAP correspondent in West Africa, from Ivory Coast

The cable trap is a method of non-selective capture used by hunters around the TaiNational Park to obtain bushmeat. In November, during our field work, chimpanzee Manchot was a victim of this abhorrent activity. His left arm was swollen because he was caught by one of these traps set by hunters in the park.

During 11 months of observation of chimpanzees in the sector Djouroutou of the park, we noticed that our chimpanzees use more the left arm to break nuts for food. When they have their arms injured, this makes the chimpanzee disabled, sad and often isolated at group.

Watch a video of Manchot showing his injured arm here.