Brazilian air company TAM is denounced for transport of animals to medical experimentation
posted in 02 Feb 2012


English organization BUAV (British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection), which inspects several airline companies that accept to transport animals to different locations under bad conditions, denounced Brazilian company TAM last January 30, for the transportation of capuchin monkeys to Nebraska University, in United States.

Probably these monkeys will be used in medical experimentation, because there has been large trafficking of this species to several North-American universities that develop neurological projects in the past.

We are sending our denounce to Ibama (Environmental Institute of Brazil), so the transportation can be investigated to check how these monkeys left the country and if there was an official permission for them to be export, which would be an absurd.

In its world alert, BUAV informs the contacts of the company so all the organizations protest, demand an explanation and ask the company to ban this kind of animal transport.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International

Be active!
Please, get in contact with TAM Airlines and ask for the ban of the participation of the company in this cruel activity, which is directly connected with the use of primates in research.

Emails: and

Chief Executive Officer and President
TAM Linhas Aéreas
Av Jurandir, 856 – Lote 4 (Jardim Ceci)
Sao Paulo 04072 – 000   Brazil