Born to be killed
posted in 19 Jan 2011


“There are breeders that put the animals to sleep with ether. I confess I do not have the time because my slaughter reaches 200 in a day. I grab the chinchilla by its tail and put it upside down. Then I get its little neck and pull over, in 90 degrees angle, and stretched it out. This results in the cut of the medulla quickly and painless and it dies instantly. The noise is like a toothpick cracking”, says Carlos Perez, a breeder of chinchillas in Brazil.

They live exactly for 360 days. They are born with a date to die. It is a beautiful animal, clean, gentle. Kill them this ways is cowardliness, even more when it is to fur coasts (200 animals per coat) to dress people who do not know what to do with the amount of money they have, barely do not think about doing something helpful.

Brazil produces 70 thousand skins per year, Argentina, 100 thousand and the rest of the world 30 thousand. China has the capacity of buying all world production to dress its new capitalist’s millionaires.

The whole article about the chinchilla killing was published at Estado de SP newspaper (in Portuguese) last Sunday. And we still complain when Nature charges humans due to their lack of sensibility, incompetence and cruelty against the environment that surround us.

At least the newspaper had the sense to end the article with the opinion of Fábio Paiva, from NGO “Holocausto Animal”, who said: “This idea that animals raised in captivity with this purpose do not suffer is a lie. Animals are not human’s property. To get them inappropriately and kill them is already synonym of suffering. It does not matter if it is painless or not, death is death. And killing animals to fulfill any kind of existential gap is a wrong thing to do.”

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterial
President, GAP Project International