Bonobos babies keep coming
posted in 15 May 2013

Sanctuary Lola ya Bonobo, in Kinshasa, dedicated to the care of chimpanzees bonobos located in an area in the south of Congo River, still receives babies who were taken from their habitat – who had their parents possibly murdered for the sale of the children.

Last March, the Sanctuary received an anonymous call dennouncing that a bonobo was being displayed in a bar near the airport. A team from the Sanctuary was there and found the accuracy of the information. It was a female baby, and she was sick with a high fever. The next day, with the help of environmental Congolese authorities, this baby was confiscated and given to the Sanctuary.

She was given the name Ndjili and was treated to recover her health. Here we see her with her adoptive human mother and the dogs who visit her frequently.

Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International