Bonobo handshake
posted in 07 Jul 2010


Vanessa Woods is a researcher from Duke University, United States. She spent the last decade among the bonobos at Lola Ya Bonobo Sanctuary, unique in the world for these primates. From her experience was born the book “Bonobo Handshake”, edited by Gotham Books. Its launch happened in the last couple days and Vanessa was presented at several events in North-American cities.

Vanessa is married to another primates’ researcher, Brian Hare, and in her book she reports the dangers and compensations of working at Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which has been facing an intense war for decades. But, at the same time, its potential as a country and its natural resources convert in a challenge to be confronted.

In the book, Vanessa also describes the release project of eight bonobos in a reserve that happened in 2009. She considers it to be a light in the end of the tunnel in favor of the non-extinction of the species. 10% of the money rose with the selling of the book will be directed to the sanctuary that hosted her these years. The sanctuary is a member of PASA (Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance).

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International