Bolivia: 25 lions fly to new life in USA
posted in 23 Feb 2011


In an operation coordinated by NGO Animal Defenders International (ADI) last February 16, called Lion Ark, 25 lions that were confiscated by Bolivian Government – which has recently approved a law that prohibits circuses with animals in the country – flew to United States , where a 320 thousand square meters sanctuary at Colorado State will host them.

Jan Cramer, President of ADI, declared:  “We rescued these animals from the most deplorable conditions from circuses throughout Bolivia and as soon as we got them back to the safety of our compound work began in earnest on their rehabilitation”. Mel Richardson, veterinary of ADI, also declared: “I have been amazed by the amazing recovery of these animals, and their strength and will to live”

The space for the ADI Holding Compound, which hosted the lions during their recovery, had been kindly provided by the Mayor of Santa Cruz and had running water, electricity, a secure perimeter, 24-hour security and a veterinary and experienced animal care team.

The youngster lion rescued is three-month old and the oldest, 15. They used to work in several circuses that travel around Bolivia.

Two important professionals of North-American television, presenter Bob Maker, who named the youngster lion Bob, and actress Jorga Fox, from the show CSI, who fought for this operation to happen, hosted the animals at their arrival at USA. They also support financially the operation.

More information at ADI International website –

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International