posted in 04 Feb 2009
A three-month old bonobo baby, called Billi, traveled in the last days of January from Great Britain to Frankfurt, in Germany, together with his zoo keeper in the executive class, as long as he was too small. In general he would be sent in the cargo compartment of the plane.

According to the zoo, his mother did not accept to raise him and he has been raised by humans in the zoo, with artificial food, until he got strong enough to be able to travel. The plan was to join him to a adoptive bonobo mother in the group that lives in Frankfurt Zoo, and later he would be integrated to the primates\’ group that lives there.

Billu checked in with a special passport made for him with the name “Billi, the Bonobo” and during the flight in a Lufthansa plane he stayed very calm on his keeper\’s lap.